$100 - 60min
Lash Lift: lift mimics the effect of an eyelash curler + mascara and lasts for nearly 2 months
Lash Tint: tints the lashes darker so you don't need to apply mascara daily. lasts for 4 -6 weeks
$120 - 60min
$135 - 75min
incl. eyebrows, lip, chin & sideburns
brow shape, design and wax
lip and under bottom lip if needed
chin and jawline
across cheeks and / or remove sideburns
either $20
remove the hairs from lower nostril or
from outer ears
tinting creating darker and fuller-looking brows
brow shape, design and wax + brow tint combo
lashes tinted to dark black to last up to 4 weeks
brow and lash makeover